Our hearts ache for things unseen, beauty to be revealed and countries our feet have yet to walk upon. Here are updates on the Davis' Journey!

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Beauty of Eagle Rock

Summer fading into fall.


His magnificence shining throughout nature.


Thought you all might enjoy a little splendor of the Eagle Rock Campus!
Love, Jami
(photos: ours)

Monday, November 26, 2007

"Flexibility is the key to success". . .Holy moly, sometimes that's hard.

Happy Belated Thanksgiving!!

I hope that you had a blessed Thanksgiving, with alot of fun, laughter, and of course...turkey.

Wow, where to start?! It has been such an eventful month of November, so there is much to say!

First off, we are still up at the Eagle Rock campus, working with the DTS here. It has been incredible to watch each of the students really get to know God more personably, as well as finding who they are in Him, and really growing beyond what we could even imagine. They have already been faced with many challenges over the short months they have been here. One of those, was "losing" a fellow student. On week 6 (we are now in week 9) of the school a young man in the DTS was really struggling, and decided the best thing for him, and the school, would be if he left. It was hard for everyone, including staff. If you think of him, please pray for him. His name is Michael.

That same week, we also had quite a change in outreach plans. Which really had an effect on everyone who was planning on Thailand as their main outreach destination. A huge number of students did not have their first outreach payment, which was due week 3, therefore it was impossible for us to buy airplane tickets on the week we were supposed to, AND there second one was due as well. So the elders of YWAM decided that we could not make the outreach happen unless we had a offering which raised over $18,000. Now, we have seen this happen at YWAM Denver before, and in even greater amounts, but this time they felt like God was changing the plans, and exchanging them for something new.

So, we were then told that we needed to split the team into two teams. One heading to Thailand and the other to Mexico. The students without their Thailand outreach payments would automatically be on the Mexico team.

Because the amount of students going, has a huge effect on the amount of staff. To be fully covered in cost then we would need 18 students to have their payment in by the next day. This looked close to impossible. For Ted and I this meant that we would NOT be going on outreach.

Well in the end of the day (which felt like forever, no exaggeration!) the Thailand team was at 17 students, and the Mexico team was at 7. Which meant Ted and I were going on outreach! God really challenged me to completely trust Him, and what He was planning in this time. It was SO hard! (However, I'll admit, I did cry)

The students did not take this very well at first, but now they are excited and embracing this new change!!!

So YES! We are officially assisting the outreach to Thailand! And Ted and I are both VERY very excited about this opportunity to grow, and to teach, and to learn!

"What will you be doing in Thailand?" GOOD QUESTION! And unfortunately I don't have the time to write this, BUT I will by the end of this week!!

Have an awesome evening wherever you may be!
Jami Davis (& Ted)
(Note of IMAGE ABOVE: the image represents the sex trafficking going on in thailand. This t-shirt was designed by a YWAMer specifically to raise awareness and money for Justice for children international.)

Saturday, October 20, 2007

News, new friends, and Thai food?

Another season began last on October 1st, as the students for the Eagle Rock DTS rolled in here. We are now up and rolling as a family in the Mountains! It's been incredible already, with more excitement and growth, possibly with come challenges to come.

We have 27 students up at ER, and 14 staff. With each new DTS, we see very different personalities, even as a whole. For example, the Base DTS is all pretty chill, quiet, and shy, and our ER DTS is very outgoing, very loud, and most of them have probably never been shy in their life. So it's most definetely been an adventure this far! A good one!

Ted has three guys, Tony (23) from Arizona, Brent (22) from Florida, and Robert (26) from Texas. All very different guys, but with the same common heart...to serve Jesus whole heartedly. Ted's actually out right now playing frisbee golf with Brent. I have Veronica (22) from Indiana, and Corrie (20) from New York. (I had a third girl but she couldn't make it due to a visa issue, she was from Nepal). My girls are both very different, but they both have a lot in common with me, so it has been a blast! So far, we have all hung out at a local coffee shop, and talked about identity, shared our testimonies, watched some movies, and played games.

It has definetely been challenging here and there learning to balance everything, but for the most part, it has been incredible. Especially to see each of them already grow in who they are in Christ. Last weeks teaching was on the Father Heart of God, which spoke to my girls hearts deeply, as well as Ted's guys.

On a more personal level, many of you know, or maybe not, that Ted and I were in a car accident a little over a month now. Well, the guy who hit us, claimed fault, and his insurance is going to help us get a new vehicle. Which honestly for an accident, this was the most "ideal" situation. (Actually the most ideal situtation would be not to have the accident but...). Anyways, it still is in the process of us getting the car to them, handing over everything like the title and such, and recieving the money. Please pray that this will go smoothly, and God will hook us up soon with a good, reliable vehicle.

Our car was VERY good, so its sad to see it go, but oh well. Also, one awesome praise report is that we are (as of right now) living up the mountain, rarely needing a car. If we had been living down the mountain right now, we would be in a lot of trouble. So God new, and worked things out for good huh?

Another prayer request...with the accident, i unfortunetly wasn't wearing my seatbelt. (My mother, and father, and grandmother, and husband, have all LOVINGLY talked some sense into me since of course). I'm not sure why i chose not too, but just to let you know, i now buckle up the very second my bum hits the car seat. Anyways, I did end up hurting my back in the accident, and even though the insurance and police knew i wasn't wearing a seatbelt, since the guy claimed fault, they are covering my "medical" bills. Not that i've done anything yet. I did get it checked out, and the doctor said, i pulled muscles in my lower back, adn nothing else. So nothing super serious, but i am in alot of pain doing normal activities. So please pray that God will heal this up quickly. I DID very much so, learn my lesson.

ANOTHER thing, sorry this is so long! Ted and I are officially going to Thailand! We leave with the whole DTS on or around December 15th! We will miss Christmas which is hard, but we are very excited. I will write later with more information on what we will be doing in ministry there as well as the dates and places we will visit while in Thailand!

Alright, well i must go! Love you all!

Be blessed!

Jami (& Ted)
(PHOTO: Ted surprised me one night and took me out for my favourite food: Thai. If you've never had Thai before, i encourage you to try it! My favourite is the Spicy Pad Thai, try it out!)

"Everlasting, Your light will shine when all else fades.

Never ending, Your glory goes beyond all fame,

And the cry of my heart is to bring You praise,

From the inside out, Lord my sould cries out!"

Friday, September 28, 2007

A new season arrives!

Hello from Eagle Rock!

We are now settling in the mountains about 45 minutes drive away from the YWAM Denver Arvada base. Ted and I were asked to be on the DTS staff up here, at our mountain campus, Eagle Rock. It is incredibly beautiful up here; soon I will post some photos, so you can share in this beauty with us.

Well, where to start…the number of staff up here is only 14, which is low compared to the 100 and something at the base, so it has been really peaceful, and rather nice actually. It seems the smaller the number, the closer people seem to become. It has been like living with family, already in our first weeks stay. Ted and I will be living up here for three months starting on Monday. We are excited to get away from the craziness and noise of Denver.

Students will begin to roll in here on Monday! We are so thrilled! Ted has a small group of four guys, so he will be incredibly busy this quarter. He has amazing wisdom, and revelation so I know that God will use him immensely in this season. I have a small group of two. I had three, but couldn’t make it. I was sad, for sure, but now I am excited for my two girls to get here! I can’t wait to meet them. One is my age, and one two years older. I am honoured to be able to be there for them in encouragement in this season.

The Eagle Rock DTS will have 28-30 students this fall. We are all pretty anxious to meet everyone, and start this DTS out right, and with a bang! Please pray that this season in each of the students lives, will be one like they have never know. One where they experience God is ways they never have. Also pray for a teachable heart and spirit. That is always nice too…J.

Ted and I have the main “responsibility” of being small group leaders. (I don’t really like calling it just a responsibility but rather an honour really to lead these students to a deeper understand of who they are in Christ.) On top of our small groups, we also will be running other areas around the base. Since we are short on staff, this means we will be putting our hands in a little bit of everything here. It makes things fun and interesting for sure!

Ted is the maintenance director, as well as the worship leader. He is excited to get a chance to lead worship again. It is an incredible gift God has given him, and we see this as an opportunity for him to use this gift. I am running the hospitality department again! I am very very excited about this, because I have done this before and it stretches me a lot! I am excepting to grow in this season. I am also the receptionist off and on. That…doesn’t really stretch me, well other than learning to not be so antsy. Which is good.

Well, a few prayer requests for us. For Ted and I both to be able to find a good balance of alone time with God, time with our small group students, and time with each other. I have heard that this season can be rough on married couples, (and been told especially if were newlyweds) but we are excepting the best for this season. Not the worst, or something rough. We are determined to just walk in who we are in Christ, and in Christ, where could we go wrong…right?

Also for Ted, confidence with leading worship. And that God would continually reveal to Ted new things about identity. For me, I seem to try and resurrect my old man, and live through him. I am weary of walking this road, placing my identity in the things around me, or how I am treated. The old man is dead, and dead is where he belongs. Nothing I can ever do will resurrect this man, ever. I know am a new creation. I know am in Christ. So just prayer that I will not live through me own strength but through Christ in me.

Well we love you all and we’ll post another blog soon!

Ted & Jami

“For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.”
Colossians 3:3

You are hidden with Christ in God!

Thursday, September 20, 2007


We are coming to visist Good Shepard Bible Chapel, this coming Sunday! It's been a few months since we've seen alot you (those who are there). So it will be nice to see everyone!!

Can't wait to see ya!

Ted & Jami

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Labor Day Camping Trip

Mom took a photo of my lovely camping pjs early in the morning hence the hairdo.
Ted pretending to be ashamed of my outfit. ;)
The woods, its was very beautiful and peaceful there.
They were starving to chewed on some trees.
Ted trying to start a fire for us.
Inside the man made "shelter".
Ted still trying to start the fire.
The enterance to the shelter
Due to a storm away from our campsite, we had to quickly build a shelter for everyone. Turned out we didnt need to after all, and we all walked back to our campsite.

The camping crew (minus my mom)
A tree branch.
me and Chey by the gorgeous lake
Ab, Me, and Chey pretending to eat wild mushrooms.
Our feet!
(Some of the photos on here are taken by My madre, or chelsea, or Abie and me.)
More photos to come of camping and the ride Ted, Chey, and I took to get there. Also our honey moon photos are on their way!!!
Love, Jami (& Ted)

Random Photos of the "Crazy Couple"

Um, i don't know...:)
Ted playing foosball with Kaden.
Ted and I on swings, one of our favourite past times
A "lovefeast" last summer. I was Japanese and he was muslim.
Last summer, at Chelsea and Abies softball games
Our most recent couple photo for the YWAM Denver staff board. Ted wanted to hold the caution sign from the grass. So that would somewaht explain why its there...

Ted leading worship for a DTS graduation this summer.
Ted and I strolling to our car.
Teds feet

Me, and my favourite pokadots. Me and Ted at the base before he left for Mexico.

Colour of Love

Its moments like this
When we feel such peace
Believing that you love us
Knowing that it's true

Even moments of the silence
We know in our hearts you are here

Though we cannot grasp
How wide, or how high
How deep, or how far
We've come to realize
We dont need to

All we need to do is accept
This colour of love

You spoke into the darkness
To call us by name
You quickened our hearts
With a glance of your eyes
And we know without a doubt
We never want to look back
For now that we have experienced these colours
We shall never be the same!!

Accept this unfathomable love!
For this is the t r u t h!

Love, Jami Joann

Monday, August 27, 2007

Amazed with much excitement.

The past few days have been really incredible so I wanted to share! In June we were panicking about August and how we would pay for our bills, car insurance as a married couple, vehicle registration. . . and honestly it seemed impossible.

We were in need of gas in our little station wagon last week. The whole week, we were wondering when the car would run out. But it continually stayed on E, without ever failing once. Then thursday rolled around and Ted decided to go ahead and put $10 of gas in our car. Saying, "I just put gas in with faith God will provide. That same day we checked our mailbox to find someone from our home church sent us 5 dollars over the amount placed in the car! We were so excited!!!

Then Friday when I was sorting the mail, I found two letters addressed to us, from my mother-in-law, Anisa. One for Ted and one for me. Inside was money, enough to help us with our car insurance! And in my card was a sweet card that literally sung, singing about how God is with us in the storms aaaand...a starbucks card!

Yesterday Ted and I sat in our apartment talking about what was to be paid next. Our electric bill is due the 28th and our vehicle registration ends the same day. Ted just said what he always says, "Lets just wait and see what God does." So today we came to work, and as we sat in staff meeting, a lady on staff came up to us, handed me a card, and said, "Im so sorry this is late, but this is for your wedding." We opened the sweet note, to find enough to pay our electric bill!

The again, yes, i know this is totally amazing! Today we recieved support from a very dear friend of Ted and I. For enough to pay for our final "worry" this month. Our vehicle registration!

God amazes me with how in the very exact moment of need, He totally comes around and provides!

Just thought I'd share a bit of the excitement!! Holy Moly!

Love, Jami (& Ted)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Funny little lesson

(Jami speaking.)

Well, Tuesdays are what is called my "wife's day" where I get a whole day off from YWAM. I spend most of my time doing laundry for the week, cleaning the place, and making a meal for my hubby. (Yes, i am learning to cook, crazy huh?)

Anyhow, here is the story. Many of you know i absolutely l o v e starbucks, but you also know i am a missionary, so i rarely splurge, because, well there isn't much to splurge. Haha. So yesterday I decided to go through our entire house, and if I found enough dimes to buy a starbucks then i would get one, and if not i would live without one. So i searched, and sure enough i actually ended up finding $5 in dimes! I was so thrilled!

So I drove to my bank to exchange the $5 in dimes for 1 dollar bills. This ended up taking me 15 minutes, because they had me come in and roll the dimes. As i sat rolling them, I realized I was too embarressed to hand the dimes to the starbucks people. So silly I know.

So i finished. Headed to starbucks, and got me a white chocolate mocha latte. A whopping $4 dollars of my find. As i drove away i couldn't even drink it because i got this sick feeling in my stomach. A nice little tummy ache called Guilt. I just spent probably an hour of my time searching for money for a starbucks. . . yikes eh?

Well, long story short...i got home, hadn't taken a sip, because i knew it would upset my already upset stomach. So i stuck it in the microwave for later. Two hours later i realized it was in there, went to heat it up, and our microwave decided to break this lovely day.

The moral of this story. . . well there are probably a few. If you have to search so hard to find the money in the first place, you probably shoulnd't spending that money you find.

Secondly, don't be embarressed to hand $5 worth of dimes to the cashier, because as a missionary you'll most likely be doing this a lot.

Thirdly, don't feed an "addiction" cause you'll get a tummy ache called guilt.

Thought you'd find this funny.

Love, Jami

"The way of the fool is right in his own eyes, But he who heeds counsel is wise." Proverbs 12:15

Monday, August 20, 2007

Camping trip at Loch Lomond

This weekend a group of us (Me, being the only female) headed up for a crazy, (& cold), camping trip. We drove about an hour north, to head up a 40 minute trail, where only four-wheel-drive vehicles may go. It was probably the most bumpy ride I've ever taken to go camping. This would be what the boys call "hardcore camping". This was our (Ted and i's) first camping trip together, so its was fun seeing each other interact with nature. The true "are they wimps or champs?" test. I must say though, i wimped out a few times with a few things. Ted, however was a champ.

As you can see up above, is one of the most beautiful camping sites i have EVER been to. Ted couldn't say the same, since he is from one of the most beautiful states, Alaska. We were at elevation 10,2xx, so hiking was a little crazy on the lungs. We camped near a beautiful lake, called Loch Lomond, and we would hike up a mile or so higher to fish at a remote lake. It was incredibly crystal clear water. There were about 4 lakes, 3 of which I went to. The boys traveled higher to fish, but that was where i wimped out. As soon as they said "snow", I was back to the campsite. But they did catch some trout, for Ted, nothing like Alaska salmon, but still the same awesome taste for dinner.

The lake nearest to us, some of the 5 guys, decided to jump into. One described the water as "almost cold enough to take your breath away and leave you with hypothermia". This was another area i wimped out in. On this lake, there was a gorgeous waterfall, due to the overflowing lakes above the lower one. It was breathtaking.

With the help of my mom in Cheyenne, Ted and I were able to find two, two-man tents at a garage sale at the awesome prize of $5 all together. Sadly we werent able to test them out until this camping trip, so needless to say we froze. But we most definetly learned our lesson for next time! Ted, Chey Foran, myself, and my family will heading out for a three day camping trip Labor day weekend, which we are excited about!!

Well, hopefully I can find a computer to throw some more photos of the camping trip on. Unfortunetly our camera batteries lasted a whopping 30 minutes, so the photos are limited. But I will post them ASAP.

Well Be blessed!

Jami (& Ted)

Friday, August 17, 2007

A prayer request.

Hello again.
Well, I (Jami) am in need of prayer. I, in the past month have been not only feeling well, but I've had almost a feeling of depression. I know I am not depressed though, so I wouldn't say that is what it is for sure. Ted has been so great to me in this time, really challenging me, encouraging me, and loving me. The thing I am struggling the most with right now, is trusting God. Especially in the area of my identity. It's been a hard thing over the years, but i felt for a while I have finally come to understand my freedom in Christ and my Identity in Him.

It has been incredibly tough lately. I think what I let happen, is one lie from the enemy at a time, leading me into this 'rut' that I seemed to be in most of my life.

I am writing, being completely vunerable, and asking for your prayers. I believe this is an attack on me, and i DO NOT want to give up right now. I am starting as a small group leader next quarter, so that could even be the reason for why this attack now. I really need your prayers to grow in the truth this season and not to fall back into who I was before.

I really want to walk in the fullness of who I am in Christ. Which is not what I am doing lately, and it IS something I long for.

Than you. Love,

Jami Joann

Monday, August 13, 2007

Where we may be headed. . .( ! )

Hey Everyone,
Sorry its been so long. Still no updated photos of our honeymoon. Our laptop crashed and well, died, before the wedding, and the base computers won't allow me to download any photos onto it, so...yeah we are looking at saving money specifically for a laptop, which at this rate will take a while. BUT we will find a way to post some cancun photos!

Well an update on what may be happening this next quarter starting on Oct. 1. Ted and I are officially on (DTS) Disipleship Training School staff! Which is a first for me, and a first for Ted and I to work together in a school, and really, in ministry! We will be working as small group leaders. Probably a leader of 3 or 4 students!!!We are SO thrilled!! Many of you know, and if you don't you now will, but YWAM Denver also has a mountian campus located in the beautiful rocky mountians foothills. It is about a 45 minute drive into the mountains, and it is GORGEOUS! We will most likely be working with what is called the Eagle Rock campus DTS, depending on the number of students! its is an exciting, breathtaking place to spend basically three months, minus the weekends where we will be down in arvada at our apartment.

An exciting oportunity may be arising as well. . . to go to thailand with the DTS off of this next fall school. Ted and I are praying that we will be able to assist the outreach, but as of right now this is up in the air. I feel though that for a season Ted and I will be in Thailand, not long term, and i am praying that this is the time. If not we are totally more than willing to serve at the base.

Our "Longterm plans"... These are most definetely being prayed through, worked out, which doesn't necissarily mean smoothed out, but they are in the making! Many of you know, Ted has been to Afghanistan to serve at the world advocates base for 6 months, and he still has such a heart to return. We have prayed about when, and the time , and such, and as of right now, we are only planning to spend 6 months to a year serving with them. The timing of this we do not know, but it seems to be a little farther off in the distance.

More recently God has laid upon our hearts, a somewhat random destination. Amsterdam, Holland. Which, honeslty when the thought first was spoken to me, by my hubby, i was like, oh man here we go again! Then God began to really confirm things left and right, in random ways, and not at al the way i thought. He did not speak to us through YWAM staff here, expressing a need there. It was indeed VERY very random. From moments where a word was given to the community regarding "How many confirmations will it take for you to go?" to little funny things like a random guy walking up the receptionists desk where i am, to ask a question, and totally throwing me off by what his shirt said, in large letters. Amsterdam, Holland...!

You may be thinking, well they always talk, but we'll see. Or Jami, its was just a t-shirt...but i do NOT believe in coincidences rarely ever. And even if this will not happen, i just love being able to have a random destitation whispered into our hearts, a new passion stirred within, and the fact that we are trusting God, even with how incredibly different this plan may be.

Ted contacted YWAM Amsterdam, and they will soon be sending us information on their base and the ministries they run. We will most likely be looking at leaving staff with a blessing from Peter and Linda in March of 08 and raising support to head over hopefully by December of 2008 or January of 2009.

Please be praying for Ted and I in this decision. As of right now we are basically just stepping forward in this new dream, and to trust God completly wherever he may lead us. Honestly i am thrilled to just be serving Him, and i know that the passions and gifts that He has placed in Ted and I are not to be used in Vain. He will use them to the fullest and i believe that will all of my heart!

Well we love you, and we will be updating on here regularly. I will let you know by email. If you wish not not read these please feel free to email and let me know!

Ted & Jami Davis

Thursday, July 12, 2007


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Our very first kiss ever!! A sweet thing indeed!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

By this time of night, our now 50th kiss!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Photos coming soon!

Hey Everyone!
We are just starting out on this new blog site, in hope to share some photo with you, as well as letting you know what is going on in our lives. We both love taking pictures so this will be a sweet outlet to show and to share. Hope you enjoy this as mush as we do!

Jami (& Ted)