Our hearts ache for things unseen, beauty to be revealed and countries our feet have yet to walk upon. Here are updates on the Davis' Journey!

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Yet Another Delayed Blog.

oh golly

I don't really know where to begin for it's been a while! Almost a month! I have recently updated our baby blog frequently, and neglected our main site. I'm so sorry for the delay!

I actually don't feel well at all right now, so I will make this update as short as possible.

Still running maintenance. My Love is so busy lately that although we may work just a walk away from each other, we rarely spend time together! It's actually kind of sad, but some quarters are like this. I'm so proud of him and how he has run things, despite it's many (& daily) challenges! Most evenings he is out helping a friend fix up a house, so we aren't together as much as we typically are. 

Lately... copingwith morning, afternoon, & the occasional evening sickness (like tonight). I too have been busy but in a entirely different way (um, he's WAY busier, as you will see). I spend A LOT of time in the evenings doing research, reading & taking notes in my baby journal on everything about pregnancy. It's been incredibly fun & exciting. Work wise - I am still working in the kitchen office which is simple, and the web department which I LOVE! In fact there is a huge possibility that I will be the "go to" person for web next quarter; updating the site with school dates, news, new schools, photos, staff bios, etc. I still of a lot of learning to do & memorization because the main web guy will be out of the country next quarter... oh boy. I pray the rumor of being spacey while pregnant is ONLY a rumor for me!

Prayer requests: 
  • Please pray for Ted to not get burnt out & to keep seeking God in how to lead.
  • Please pray for our baby as he/she grows!
  • For me with my sickness, and my times with God to grow!
  • For Ted & I to cherish the times we have together & find more time too.
Thank You for loving, praying, & supporting us in where God has called us in this season!


Anonymous said...

jami-what is the address to your baby blog site? pregnancy is an amazing thing! you'll love it!