Our hearts ache for things unseen, beauty to be revealed and countries our feet have yet to walk upon. Here are updates on the Davis' Journey!

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

To dream again.

The word is finally out and about.
If you haven't already heard (or read here) we are leaving YWAM Denver in March, spending one week with my family in Colorado, driving to Alaska and working there for 9 months to make enough money for Ted to do the SOP (School of Photography) in Kona, Hawaii January 2011!

We already have a job lined up for Ted, housing for our little family and Ted's application completed and turned in for the school. We are just awaiting acceptance. Please pray Ted is accepted!

Once Ted and I felt we were to move forward in our dreams, he said to me,
"This is the first time in a while, that I feel like I am able to dream again."

This was bittersweet for me to hear. I am so proud of him persevering through hard times, pressing in and giving his 110% to help fulfill someone else's vision, but now it is his time to pursue what he dreams of.

My heart aches sometimes as I think of my husband and the visionary he is, yet for so long unable to pursue his dreams for our future. I've seen him discouraged many times, and he still is able to keep his head up and still dream. Here we are again at this point where the discouragement comes, but we are pushing forward. We are doing this!

We are moving forward in our dreams for the first time as a couple and now as a family.

It is scary,
walking into the unknown,
leaving loved ones (here)
and everything that we are comfortable with
yet we are more excited than we have been in a while!

We've always known that YWAM Denver was not going to be long term for us, but that doesn't mean this isn't hard. We are very sad to be leaving our family here. We have both grown so much since the time when we first stepped foot in their doors years ago; Ted at 19 and me at 18. Here we are 3-4 years later, with a much greater understanding of who we are in Christ and what He has called us to. (...and now with a family :))

This was a launch pad for our dreams and we are ever so grateful for this place and the people who have invested in us, loved and supported us. It's such a wonderful community and we have been so blessed to be apart of it!

But it is time for us to move on.

We've spent too much time not pursuing our dreams. Mostly because of me, for I am afraid, even now. Only this time I am obeying Him. So, here we go, about to embark on this journey of the unknown, allowing God to lead as we follow. I am so very thankful He is the one leading us and we are not alone.

We are {not} alone.

This past year has been very hard for us. We need to know people believe in us and most of the time we feel like we're without a solid support base (of belief in us). Lately, we've been so thankful for those who have stuck by our side and have encouraged us. We've seen that there are many of you out there that love us and want to see the best for us. We've been so encouraged by you. Thank you!

Are you pursuing the dreams, the calling that He has called you to?
I am asking you, because for far too long, I have held my family back from moving forward.
Out of fear of man and fear itself.

I believe everyone is called to something bigger than themselves and each calling is different than the next. Some may be similar but with each person created in the image of God, yet with their own unique personality, I can't help but think that God has something specific for each individual. Not a general dream, but an exact one for YOU. Pursue that with your whole heart.

Thank you Loved Ones!
Love you all! Be blessed!
The Davis Family


Little Mrs Mason said...

I love it! I am so happy for you both!!!! xoxox

Bethany Roth said...

I stumbled across your blog a few weeks ago, and I keep coming back to it... I just want to encourage you with this: you are SO inspiring and so encouraging... thank you for sharing your heart, even just a little bit, because it's blessing me to see what God is doing in you guys. :)

Anonymous said...

It's hard when things don't work out like we hoped they would. That said I hope you have a wonderful time in Alaska!

-wendi lewis